Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Minden forditás - nejna_celuvka

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Erdmények 1-4 a teljesböl korülbelül 4
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Angol General Conversation
Hi! How are you doing? I am fine. Did you have your food yet? How is the weather in Mumbai today? Do keep in touch regularly and don't act like a stranger. Take care of yourself. God Bless you. Lots of love. Jill
<edit> "U" with "you" -as it is the way it reads</edit> (02/26/francky)

Befejezett forditàsok
Bulgár Здрасти
Afrikai Algemene gesprek
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Real friends never leave you or hurt you. keep...
Real friends never leave you or hurt you.
Keep your family close and do not hurt people you want to keep in your life.

Befejezett forditàsok
Bulgár Истонските приятели...
Latin nyelv Amici veri numquam te relinquunt vel vulnerant...